Hastings & St Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club
Hastings & St Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club

Initial Guidance

Dear Members,


Resumption of weekly training:


After a long enforced suspension of weekly training sessions due to COVID-19 I am pleased to announce that we will recommence on Friday 21st May. After discussions with the management of Summerfields Leisure Centre we have agreed that sessions will be for an hour of pool work only. These will run from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. Hopefully it will only be a matter of weeks before 2 hour sessions, including theory teaching from 7.30pm to 8.30pm, will resume too. In order to simplify the Club's accounting weekly subscriptions are being replaced by monthly subscriptions. The monthly price is £20 due before the first Friday of each month. As sessions are starting part way through the month a single payment of £20 will cover the subscription for all sessions in May and June.




Since 2019 the Club has been searching for a current account to open in the Club's name. There are surprisingly few suitable low cost accounts available as banks have streamlined their services in recent years. Furthermore, during the pandemic, all banks stopped opening the type of current account that we need so this initiative has been delayed. We now expect to have a Club current account in a number weeks’ time. Details will be circulated in due course.


Until the new account is open there are three methods of payment.


1. Direct transfer into a current account used exclusively for Club business. This is an interim measure only until the new account is open. The account is in the Treasurer's name but account activity is monitored by the Management Committee.


Account name: D. Cooke

Sort code: 07-08-06

Account number: 20775294


2. Cheque made payable to Hastings and St Leonards Lifeguard Club. Please mark cheques with the name of the Club member(s) who's subscription is being paid.


3. Cash. Please put cash in an envelope marked with the name of the Club member(s) who's subscription is being paid.


To help our return and planning please let us know if you’ll be attending


COVID-19 safety:


For everyone's safety, to comply with RLSS UK guidance, and to meet the requirements of Summerfields Leisure Centre please do not attend Summerfields Leisure Centre if you are required to self-isolate. See https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-and-treatment/when-to-self-isolate-and-what-to-do/ for up-to-date details. 'COVID officials' acting for the Club will be assisting Centre staff to keep our sessions 'COVID safe'. Please cooperate with them so that training runs safely and smoothly.


In addition, all those entering the centre are asked to:

1. Use hand sanitiser on entry to the centre. Some is provided by the centre for your convenience.

2. Adults to wear a face covering unless swimming or otherwise exempt.

3. Maintain a minimum distance of 2m from other people.

4. Pay attention to the instructions on signs posted around the building by centre management.

5. Avoid using the toilet facilities on-site if possible.


Swimmers please:


6. Avoid unnecessary use of the changing facilities. Arrive with swimwear underneath your clothes if possible.

7. Use the shower briefly before going on poolside.

8. Observe the one way system operating in the pool hall.

9. On leaving the pool get changed (or put a onesie or similar on) and leave the building without delay.


Parents and guardians please:


10. If possible please drop members off outside the centre upon arrival.

11. No waiting in the lobby.

12. The gallery may be used once cleared of people from the group using it prior to HLG.

13. Clean the area where you have waited with the materials provided by the centre.

14. Please ensure social distancing when coming to collect at the end of the session.


Face coverings:


15. Anyone over the age of 11 years and without an exemption should wear a face covering around the centre except when in the water.


Thank you for your cooperation and support.


Kind regards,


Malcom Brewster


Donate through Give as you Live Donate

Diary Dates 2024:

Sunday 15th December 2024

RNLI Sea Swim Safety Cover



Friday 10th January 2025

AGM & Club Prize Giving

Sunday 25th May 2025

Bewl Triathlon

Saturday 14th June 2025

Hastings Regatta

Sunday 15th June 2025

Bexhill Regatta

Sunday 22nd June 2025

Lydd Triathlon

Sunday 7th September 2025

Bexhill Triathlon


Use 'Easy Fundraising' to help raise funds for the Club - Search --> Hastings & St. Leonards Voluntary Lifeguards

Use 'Give As You Live' to help raise funds for the Club - Search --> Hastings & St. Leonards Voluntary Lifeguards

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© 2024 Hastings & St Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club Charity No. 1147368